


Best Artist Designer

Before to after stroke

Art Designer - One of Twelve Group

Verona Design Inc., Melton, N.J., 1995 to April 2001. Garret working for art designer. Hoechst Celanese Corp., 12 pages, 4 x 3, 8 ½ x 11 (1977).

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Your 1997 Enrollment Guide

Front cover, “Your 1997 Enrollment Guide.” Garret best of six illustrating texture, five!

1st: ‘Tooth cleaning, men pulling backward!

1st: ‘Tooth cleaning, men pulling backward!’

2nd: ‘Mother take child to playing children in kindergarten.’

Woman in chair to eyes Optical - big glass

3rd: 'Woman in chair to eyes Optical - big glasses!'

4th: ‘Dial call number for tiny man!’

4th: ‘Dial call number for tiny man!’

5th: ‘Compass tile to tiny man reading map.’

5th: ‘Compass tile to tiny man reading map.’