

Best Artist Designer

Before to after stroke

Art Designer - One of Twelve Group

DeMarco-Egendorf Advertisement, 1989 to 1995 in Philadelphia area. Garret working for art deigner. Part-time in 2001-2003, Egendorf-Morrison Advertisement in Center City.

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DeMarco-Egendorf Advertisement; 1989-1995

Strawbridge & Clothies: 125 Years in Philadelphia area in 1993.  Norman Egendorf, writer, PR, and Garret, illustrator! In 8 Street and Market Street.



Strawbridge & Clothies: 125 Years in 1993 in center city, three: Old building, signed in July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence. Middle, City Hall, and right, "Two Liberty."

Book by SHOPPING BAG DESIN, inside - ”Strawbridge & Clothies: 125 Years” in 8th Street and Merket Street Building.

Book by SHOPPING BAG DESIN, inside -  ”Strawbridge & Clothies: 125 Years” in 8th Street and Merket Street Building.

Egendorf-Morrison Advertisement, Anural Report, illustrator, Garret, “Man Buckets in Trees!”

Part-time in 2002 in center city, Egendorf-Morrison Advertisement, Anural Report, illustrator, Garret, “Man Buckets in Trees!” [But in 2006 in trash, 3*x 4* inch less!]

Egendorf-Morrison Advertisement:

Part-time in 2002 in center city, Egendorf-Morrison Advertisement:
The Ultimate Power Team” – Power Sales by Astea. [But in 2006 in trash, 3*x 4* inch less!]

DeMarco-Egendorf Advertisement, Tony DeMarco, Financial – Strategic Recovery Systems. Front cover, Man and Briefcase, dark to light sun! [But in 2006 in trash, 3*x 4* inch less!]

Tony DeMarco, Financial – Strategic Recovery Systems, inside, business peoples to top of paraments!

Tony DeMarco, Financial – Strategic Recovery Systems, inside, business peoples to top of paraments! [But in 2006 in trash, 3*x 4* inch less!]